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Lyric tenor

Concert soloist

Jeff Award© winning actor


Photo by Jiyang Chen 

John Cudia Official Website

Dalla sua pace - LiveJohnCudia
00:00 / 04:10
F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

"John Cudia, a young tenor who has already interpreted a magnetic Juan Peron in "Evita", gave Cassio vigor and youthfulness to justify the jealousy of the oldest and less attentive Othello...' Il Marco Polo


... as The Phantom is superb - a vocal powerhouse who delivers a heartbreaking performance perfectly balanced between longing and revenge."

The San Francisco Chronicle


“When John Cudia opens his mouth to sing “Some Enchanted Evening,” one has to gasp at the voice…there is no denying his talent or charisma, and there is no doubt why Nellie has fallen for him in a matter of only a couple of weeks.”

The Davis Enterprise

"Die-hard opera audiences can revel in the stunning tenor of John Cudia, a former Broadway Phantom who's equally adept at Verdi, making a regal and mellifluous President Perón. "


John most recently completed a performance of Don Giovanni, singing the role of Don Ottavio.  Mark Oswald conducted a fine company of singers for 9th Avenue Opera.

See link above for performances of  The Four Phantoms in Concert

John will also appear in concert with The Broadway Tenors.  Venues include Hilton Head, SC, Mountain Home, AK and Traverse City, MI.

John proudly continues his association with THE BROADWAY TENORS and proudly announces joining THE FOUR PHANTOMS In Concert.  John is also available for teaching, coaching and lecture appearances.  Thank you for visiting!


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